Sonne Yoga Sterne
Christa Reidinger

Yoga & mehr im Yogahäuschen in Sigleß

Herzlich Willkommen bei Sonne Yoga Sterne!

Bei uns findest du alles, was du brauchst, um ...

... dich gesund zu bewegen, 

... stark, geschmeidig und widerstandsfähig zu werden,

... zur Ruhe zu kommen und den Fokus nach innen zu richten, anstatt dich im Außen zu verlieren,

... ganz da und ganz du zu sein,

und vieles mehr...

Den Sonne Yoga Sommerstundenplan für Juli und August findest du hier!

Christa Reidinger

Physiotherapie/ Myofascial Release
Fasziales Beckenbodentraining/ "Fitte Mitte"
Atemtraining/ Atem Club
Yoga, Yin Yoga, Sessel Yoga, Fascial Fitness


Geli Baumgartner

Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga
Inside Flow
Sessel Yoga


Michaela Klaus

Yoga sanft

Christina Lotter

Happy Sunday Yoga
Yoga für Männer

Lisa Maria Ebner

Meditation und Achtsamkeit

Clara Maier

Yoga sanft

Barbara Stoiber


Stephanie Idstein

Kreativer Kindertanz
Poesie Tanz für Frauen

Nina Rebekka Fürst

Authentic Movement
Schamanisches Yoga, Workshops


Bitte informiere uns rechtzeitig, wenn du keinen Hundekontakt haben möchtest.

Yoga doesn’t care what your hair looks like.

Yoga doesn’t care if you are vegetarian, if you eat meat or know what Kombucha is.

Yoga doesn’t care what religion you believe in.

Yoga doesn’t care what color your skin is or what gender you choose to love.

Yoga doesn’t care what the tag on the back of your pants says.

Yoga doesn’t care if you don’t know what yoga means.

Yoga doesn’t care how much money you have, what house you live in, what car you drive.

Yoga doesn’t care if you are flexible.

Yoga doesn’t care if you fart during practice.

Yoga doesn’t care if you ever make it into head stand.

Yoga doesn’t care if you feel uncomfortable saying Namaste and Om.

Yoga doesn’t care if you smoke cigarettes and drink whisky.

Yoga doesn’t care how old you are, the color of your hair doesn’t affect your practice.

Yoga doesn’t care what political party you vote for.

Yoga doesn’t care if you are single or divorced.

Yoga doesn’t care if you like your teacher.

Yoga doesn’t care if you remember to shave your armpits.

Yoga is just happy you show up.

(gekürzter Text von Janne Robinson)
